Long ago on September 11,1992 a baby name Justin Castillo Caylen was born. Jc was born in San Antonio Texas .He has 2 sisters
and 1 brother.His horoscope is virgo.He has 1 dog name Wishbone,and 1 cat name Vega . He is 23 years old .He was in a group called o2l but they broke up in 2014 there were six boys in o2l named Jc Caylen ,Connor Franta Sam Pottorff ,Ricky Dillion ,Kian Lawley and Trevor Moran.He used to live with some of the boys in o2l If you were wondering his snapchat is "chamclouder". Jc filmed 02l on thursdays. Jc vine is "Jc caylen".Jc's twitter is "jccaylen".
Jc's instagram is "jccaylen". Jc Caylen's Facebook is "Jc Caylen". Jc Caylen's legal name is "Jc Cloud Caylen". Jcs shotapp name is "Jc caylen". Jcs keek is "jccaylen". Jcs Mobli is "jc caylen" . Jc tumblr is "jccaylen".And that is some out of billions and billions of facts