Yuric Eldrick is a member of a group of scholars known throughout
The Vale as the Rune Scribes. They are chosen by one of the six High Runes, Creation, Teleportation, Incineration, Protection, Apocolypse, and Life, and are given extended life spans to achieve work that couldn't normally be done in a regular life span.
Yuric, the recently chosen Rune Scribe of Incineration, is a hard worker, serious about his studies, and wants to do the best he can. But above all, he is a hardcore prankster. After taking a prank too far, he is banished to Earth where he meets Mellony Takashi, a girl with some knowledge about the world that Yuric comes from.
Will Yuric survive his time on Earth?
Two Brothers...One Girl...One Choice
Who would you choose?
"How Dare You?" I shoved him until he was pressed up against our sliding glass door
"What's the matter Grey" he taunted and pushed me back "Are you mad because I kissed your girl or are you mad because you know she liked it?"
I growled and punched his face
"What's the matter?" I asked in disbelief "I'm mad because you're my damn brother. My twin. The one person I trusted with my life"
He said nothing so I continued "And now, your jealousy broke that trust. I hope you enjoyed that kiss because it will NEVER happen again. Not only did you lose her, but you also lost your brother. The one that had your back from the very beginning"
Beautiful Cover by: sarcastickupkake (If your reading this Sarcastickupkake, I need your Wattpad Username to give you credit)
Book #3 in the Cursed Series
1: Little Red
2: Our Story
3: Mates
This book can be read as a standalone but I suggest you read the first two books in the series in order to understand what is happening.