She was insane, crazy, pink haired girl with some serious daddy issues, everyone besides him knew.
He was tall, innocent and penguin obsessed boy, who unfortunately had locker right next to her.
Their first communication was the most confusing thing for him.
The pink haired girl came and opened her locker, trying to find books for her first period, he stared at her admiring her beauty.
She turned to face him and caught him staring, smirking, leaned closer to him and whispered "wanna be my daddy?" and looked him in the eye. He stood there frozen completely and confused more than ever. She smiled deviously and walked away.
And thats how Lara Arlet ruined his innocence.
Tohle není návod.
Není to učebnice.
Jen souhrn mých postřehů a názorů, co jsem posbírala během té poměrně dlouhé doby, co píšu.
A taky přiznání, co jsem dělala blbě a kde jsem si nabila hubu. :)
- update -
Od prvních kapitol se změnilo mnohé, hlavně můj gender, ale taky styl psaní .
Ale hlavně ten gender a věk.
Navzdory tomu, zkuste si to užít minimálně stejně, jako jsem si já užíval.. No, zrodili se Pepík z New Yorku, pan brambora a zubatý žáby psaní. ❤️