England 1991... charles campush is a handsome man who is devoted to his family. he has a daughter who's name is Natasha campush and a wife by the name of Dorothy. she was a great house wife and librarian.she worked at the goldengates community library were she would spend most of her time when her kids are at school and husband is at work.she is calm and patient and quiet for a grown woman.in 1999 she felt ill and still Insisted to go to work for she was a good woman and wanted the money to maintain her family although they were wealthy they dressed normal and acted normal and even worked. on her way from work she felt dizzy and light headed. she fell onto a soft patch of grass and fainted she she rushed to the hospital were she was pronounced DEAD!. leaving behind a husband and a beautiful daughter she left happy because she spent her most of her time doing good things. and rased a wonderful family who could take care of themselves. Natasha was now 19 years oldTodos los derechos reservados
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