In 1969 Tim Boner was playing one of his best games ever. But it was also his last game in high school as a senior. He has thrown four touchdowns and one interception. The last snap of the game was a all out viper. That´s when every receiver goes straight down the field. When the ball was snapped he dropped back and looked for an receiver. When he looked down field no one was open. So Tim took off to the right on a scramble. Then took off running down field the Summits highs school safety saw that he wanted the touchdown. Tim was at the five yard line and decided to hurdle the safety but... when the safety saw that he tried to hurdle he flipped him into the air.When he came down his neck snapped like a fried chicken bone. Coach Shay ran onto the field and called 911 cause Tim had broken his neck. When the he checked his pulse he was dead. The sad thing was he didn´t even make the touchdown. They had a memorial for him at the field a week after it happened. Every year after that some gets hurt so bad it ruins their career at that field. 2012 Ben carry carried his team to the state finals until he through the last interception to end the game. After that night he went to the field when every body was gone, and he was super wasted and angry. He was throughing the ball around into the garbage can. He was so drunk he saw Tim´s memorial and starting saying horrible things about him. When he was about to leave the lights turned on. It was so bright it looked if it was the sun. Then the lights turned off and when he turned around someone was standing there in a football uniform. The next day no one could find Ben. After weeks of looking they decided to stop looking. The next feeling Father Doug the priest was at the game. He had that feeling that something dark happened here. After the game he went to the field an checked it out. As soon as he enter the field he didn´t like it. He knew there was a ghost there. The following week he brought his gear let the ghost freeAll Rights Reserved