Ethan Price's heart was once again split into a million and one pieces for the third time in his 22 year old life.
She had told him she loved him, and that they would be together forever, but it seems that her "forever" was a good nine months. So he had been used and played, again.
It's said that the infamous Ethan Price fell in love way too fast, and he went into all of his relationships blindly, without a care in the world. Which was probably true. He believed that he had been in love with three different girls in all his life, and yet all ended in an antagonizing hurt that led him to look for more victims to his so called "love."
Maybe it was because he acted too fast on love at first sight? Or that he believed all great relationships had bumps in the road, even the bigger bumps that included his girlfriend blatantly cheating on him with a Swedish Underwear model? Or was it the obvious reason that he was just too naive? Either way, Ethan never really found the love he desired in any of his conquests... Until the night after his latest breakup.
He planned on just a single one-night stand at a college party to get his mind off of the two-timing ex-girlfriend Chelsea, but it once again turned into another love at first sight fiasco. This supposed one-night stand was different than the other women he'd fallen "in love" with. But then again, every time he thought it would be different, the outcome of hurt was inevitable. So how would this be any different?
One answer, it wasn't.
(Based off of the song by Sam Smith: "Stay With Me")
Raven is een doodnormaal tienermeisje, oké doodnormaal kun je het niet noemen. We zullen zeggen een 18-jarig tienermeisje met een lichte obsessie voor haar klasgenoot Carter en met lichte obsessie bedoel ik elke dag een uur naar zijn Facebook foto's staren maar nooit de moed hebben om er op te reageren of om überhaupt ooit met hem te praten.
Wanneer ze denkt dat daar eindelijk verandering in kan komen en er misschien wel hoop is op een relatie met hem staat er nog maar één ding in de weg. En dat is haar onervarenheid op vlak van vriendjes. Ook al is ze 18, ze heeft nog nooit en vriendje gehad. Laat staan gekust. Maar daar komt verandering in wanneer de badboy van haar school haar sexlessons aan biedt. En kan ze haar hart er van weerhouden om zich voor hem te storten?
Dit verhaal bevat extreem taalgebruik en expliciete gedetailleerde context.
ps. Ja ik weet dat er spelfouten in staan na het afronden van het boek ga ik herschrijven!
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