"I don't care", I ignore her rant and continue searching for the TV remote. "Oh come on! KPOP is has become an egg in a cake batter, binding agent if you wonder. People from all over this bluegreen planet have started listening to it, regardless of the fact that 75% doesn't even comprehend the language. Pathetically here you are, just centimetres away from the said subject, shutting all your auditory organs from listening to the most demanding music ever.", She finishes with a scowl, pretty much irked by my ignorance. "I said I don't care. So please..." "Seriously Hyo Shin. Do you have any idea how awesome EXO'S Growl and Overdose are?" I sigh hard. This is gonna be a bit too much to handle. "I said I'm not interested! Now you take a note. Your Growl is getting me Overdosed!" I snap back. Like whoever the heck that EXO is! I don't freaking care! All I want now is pure silence, peace and a calm ambience. Call me a saint and I don't fucking bother! -----------------All Rights Reserved