23 parts Complete In the bustling city of Seoul, the lives of teenagers intertwine as fate brings them together. Eighteen-year-old Jae's world takes an unexpected turn when his well-meaning parents force him to enroll in extra courses at a prestigious private school. Reluctant at first, Jae finds himself drawn into a captivating journey of self-discovery, friendship, and an electrifying connection he never expected.
As Jae navigates the halls of his new school, his eyes catch a fleeting glimpse of a girl in a classroom. In that split second, his heart races, and time stands still. He becomes infatuated with her radiant beauty, but the fear of rejection and his own insecurities hold him back from approaching her.
Bound by curiosity and the hope of seeing her again, Jae musters the courage to attend his classes. With every passing day, he finds solace in forging new friendships, including a best friend named Hyun. However, thoughts of the mysterious girl consume his mind, leaving him yearning for more..."Fleeting Hearts" is an enchanting and heartwarming tale that explores the power of destiny, the courage to pursue true love, and the transformative journey of two souls destined to be together. Will Jae and the girl he adores finally find the courage to bridge the gap and discover a love that defies all odds?