"A long time ago in a land that was forgotten; a kitten was born in heap of branches. He was abnormally bulky for a kitten and the largest of his litter. He was fed and cleaned and he learned how to catch mice while he was with his mother. But their came a time when he had to leave his family and so he went. After a while this abnormally large kitten became an abnormally large cat as he traveled the land. He was even snatched up and considered a pet by a homeless man named Imri. Imri had dubbed this cat “Sir Hiss and Snort” out of the cat’s sheer character; he would hiss and snort any time another stray cat came along. Sir Hiss and Snort even chased cats away from his territory." ... A story written in memory of my seventeen year old cat; King. This story touches on his personality. Being a story about how a fussy cat became so loving; i hope you enjoy.All Rights Reserved