Words accomplices, those who come from the sun, at the right time, almost unexpected for the readiness with which they float from somewhere.
Virgin words, only those said to a woman and never more pronounced with the same fervor and the same conviction.
How true, those proverbs and ways to say, in a few lines that enclose the timeless wisdom accumulated by those who preceded us, words to pass on to not be lost in oblivion of new words, neologisms cold and not very evocative.
The unspoken words, a cancer that eats you from inside, turn into regrets.
Then there are the words spoken without thinking too much, since transported;
Areas that may be true only when you say or where you write.
They are called cheating.
They do not hurt those who utter them, but they can kill the recipient.
They are devious and camouflage themselves well among the sincere words,
They are easy to justify.
But are sharp weapons that wear the flesh and come to the heart.
Guys this is just the incipit of WAKE UP. My story is in italian; if someone of you is interested I can translate it in english. Hope you will love it.