6 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye In the world we live in today,
speaking seems to be the only way one knows how to communicate;
as if it is the only way to communicate-
or is it?
There are many unique children, scattered around the world, who are labelled as,
"special needs", or "autistic", or ADHD. And these labels usually come with a negative stigma attached to them.
But, what if-
what if these children were just... different? What if these children are here, to show us
a different, and more unique way of living.
What if they are not in need, of "special attention"?
What if they are just: special.
This fictional (or is it?) short story , is geared to change your perception about these children,
and your view point on communication, and the way we as human beings- speak.