This is a short Halloween story from one of the members within the company.
Sample ~
We were stupid to come in here in the first place. We thought it would be a good thrill, being as it is Halloween. Forget thrill. We've been in here two hours and most of us are dead.
Every thirty minutes, one of my classmates disappears, only to reappear later gruesomely murdered. That’s not the worst part, though. They are undead, possessed or something, and trying to kill us. So far whoever [or whatever] is doing this has beheaded Harlem, maimed Trinity, scalped Reese, and gutted Ana.
I hear footsteps outside the door. As they come closer, I notice the dim light of a flashlight. That’s a good sign, since the attackers never carry them. I crack the closet door and see Sara, standing in the middle of the room.