This is not another Cinderella story in fact the total opposite. let's get this clear right now my name is Rella Cinder I'm 19 and I know not the most beautiful name and yeah genius if I switch the words it'll say Cinderella. my hair is brown not blonde, I have a good for nothing step dad and my mother sadly passed away a few years ago, cram it with your sympathy I've felt worst . I don't have any step sisters or brothers or any siblings for that matter. I am not kind or nice on any kind of way sorry. I have bad manners, make rude jokes,and I'm not very ladylike. I'm very clear when I don't like someone or men for that matter except for Caleb my Bff he's cool. I live in a country where woman can't fight or hold any official office i m about to change that well I think. I didn't know a whole lot about my ancestors but now I know that I surve a purpose to restore this country I'm warning you that I'm not like the other girls on purpose to show you that ,that's what makes me me.All Rights Reserved
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