Rachel sighs as she finishes writing the last word of her new song. Folding her notebook, she gets up and grabs her jacket off of the hook by the front door. As she steps outside, the cold air hits her face. Cameras flash as she walks, sometimes blinding her. Rachel pulls out her phone and clicks on one name: Erika. A young girl's voice comes on the other line.
"Hey, Erika, it's Rachel Platten. Can I visit you today?" Rachel asks, occasionally smiling at the cameras.
"I'm in the hospital today," says Erika. "But I would love your company! It's lonely here."
Rachel quickly says goodbye as she steps into the front doors of the hospital.
Erika hugs her mom goodbye as her mom leaves for work. As she adjusts her pillow, she hears her mom talking to someone in the hallway. Erika turns and looks at the door, and sees Rachel walk in.
"I can't believe you came! Thank you so much!'' says Erika. Rachel smiles.
"You are a daily fighter, and I know someday, you're going to be as strong as hell," says Rachel. The conversation continues into the afternoon.
Four Years Later--
Erika straightens her brand new dress and grabs the microphone. As she walks through backstage, she can hear the notes of "Stand By You" echoing through the stadium. As she gets closer to the doors, her hands shake. Rachel ends the song and pauses as the crowd screams. One girl shouts through the noise, "Rachel, I don't have cancer anymore!" Rachel smiles. She grabs the microphone again.
"I want every single one of you to know that I love you. Now, I want you to meet someone very special. Please welcome Erika!"
The crowd screams and Erika smiles as she sings "Fight Song" with Rachel. When the song ends, Rachel hugs Erika. Erika smiles, a tear at the corner of her eye. Rachel looks into her eyes.
"I gave you my wings."