Beneath the Green and Silver
22 parti In corso When Harry Potter is unexpectedly sorted into Slytherin, the wizarding world is shaken. Known for his bravery, Gryffindor loyalty, and the legacy of his parents, Harry's placement in the cunning, ambitious house leaves him facing new challenges-and unexpected friendships.
As Harry navigates life in Slytherin, he begins to question what it truly means to be a Gryffindor, and whether the path others have expected him to walk is really his own. Amid the shifting dynamics of Hogwarts, he finds himself drawn to Draco Malfoy, a student whose rivalry with him has always been as much a part of his life as the scar on his forehead. But as the two begin to understand each other in a way they never had before, Harry discovers that Slytherin might just be the house that shapes him in ways he never imagined.
In this alternate reality, Harry must face the challenges of his new house, uncover the truth behind his own identity, and navigate a slowly growing bond with Draco-one that could change the course of their lives forever.
*I do not own these charaters, all rights to J.K Rowling*
*please let me know if you know the artist for the cover, i found the image on pinterest and there wasn't credit*