This story follows a Junior. Becky, a teenaged victim of bullying, faces both typical teenage problems and some more severe problems in this story. She experiences the most difficult period in her life. Stay tuned to find out how severe these issues are and how she manages to pull through them.
Remember my readers: This story is supposed to be sending a message. Bullying is a big issue today and it's a horrible thing. If you are a victim of bullying, remember, do not listen to the haters, you are beautiful the way you are and so are my readers who haven't been bullied. But for those who are victims of bullying, perhaps you can relate to my story. Remember again, you're beautiful and you will be rising from the ground "like a skyscraper,"
Stay Strong <3<3
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.