"The Wicker Mansion is haunted! Don't go there!" were the things Indigo was used to hearing since the day he was born in Soglafia. A small town, with nothing exciting, except that old mansion.
Up on top of the hill, was the Wicker Mansion, whose surroundings were turned into a cemetery during the 1700s, after the spread of an unknown disease. The Wickers were the Royals: the ones who ran Soglafia. It was rumoured, that when the heir to their throne, Emerett Wicker was returning from Yugazo, a nearby town, he had been poisoned, and had died upon reaching his birth home, in his mother's arms.
Another thing that was rumoured about the Wickers, was that they were a family who practised witch craft and sorcery. Black magic was their supposed forte. After the death of her son, Lady Wicker had cast a spell upon Emerett, which caused him to return to life, just long enough to write down the date on which he would return to the mortal world, and take revenge upon those who took his life.
The people of Soglafia knew that date, as it was etched upon the doorway of the Mansion, and a handful of people had gone and seen the writing with their very eyes. "But it could very well have been written by someone else as a prank," was the thought that ran through Indigo's mind as he trudged up the walkway of the Wicker Mansion, not once realising that upon midnight, which would befall him soon, it would be 8th August, 2015, the day engraved on the heavy wooden doors right in front of him.