A time-travelling story, on my lovely KHR.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, except for those random stuff... y'know, everything that isn't in the actual story?
Summary: Tsuna knew that the bazooka was to be kept very far, like the length of here to Mt. Fuji, after Giannini has tinkered with it. But that was not the case this time, because the bazooka was literally somewhere far. So where did all this blue smoke come from? And why was everything so... old? Tsuna was glad for one thing though, and that was his phone. "At least I can communicate with everyone."
Story tags: slight-AU (debatable), OC (debatable), Fluff, Family, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Time-travel, Humor, Sarcasm (debatable), Bashing (debatable), OOCs (super-debatable)... and more that I might not have put on here (if you see them...).
Story rating: PG, but T on occasions...