Luke Robert Hemmings And Michael Gordan Clifford have been together for a 8 months. Luke is a happy, caring, kind, and silly person. Michael was a kind, caring, loveable and happy person. Until There was a tragedy. "5 Seconds Of Summer Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford have been in a vicious car crash in London. The fans of 5sos said Hemmings and Clifford were going on a 8 month anniversary. Until two huge trucks crashed into them causing the car to flip. Luke Hemmings was the only survivor from the car accident. But Michael Clifford's heart stopped from a huge anxiety attack after the crash. The driver was named Edwin Johnny. And the other driver name was Pete James. They are sent to prison for 2 years for drinking and driving/Using phones while driving/ and also had a criminal record. Michael Gordan Clifford will always be in our hearts" Luke wrote 99 notes for Michael. He wrote him how his days has been and how's he's been. The 100th note was a special note a very special note.