Sulking and yawning you get up out of bed walking slowly towards your bathroom and turning the shower on as the hot water steamed up the room .Slipping your pj's of you hop in as the hot water hit your back it arched slowly straightening back up as you got used to the heat ,lazily you turned the shower of and dried yourself. Walking back to your room you go to the closet and take out your uniform and put it on, making your way down to breakfast you looked around the room spotting your friends at the table near the window you go and sit next to them no one asks why you don't eat and why you always sit the shade.
unknown to the fact the levi has been watching you the whole time ever since you joined he was mesmerizing by your steel blue eyes ,they where just like his but they held more passion behind them than his did he noticed how you hated sunlight and how you never ate or how you where tired during the day but alive during the night there wasn't something quite right about you and he intended on finding out your secret. He watched as you and the other cadets headed out to training ,outside he watched you fight currently you were fighting jean.
as i sat down for breakfast reading my newspaper, i couldn't help but notice a pair of beautiful steel blue orbs looking around,he noticed you weren't eating anything as usual this worried me a-lot jeez she's not going to have any strength to fight in battle if she doesn't eat anything he thought to himself.
normal pov
"come on jean is that all you got" you said giving a round house kick to his head completely knocking him out. two nurses dragged him off.
"tch", is that all you got (y/n)" you looked around a little bit surprised to see corporal levi with his fists up ,you have never had a fight with him but you desperately wanted to.
"no" you spat "fine i wont go easy on you" a little taken back the corporal lunged at you, you were to fast.