(The Flash AU) In the distant future, Eobard Thawne was born into a prestigious family with a reputation for just existing. Due to a set of unfortunate events, Eobard became a Metahuman, a freak of nature as his mother called him. When Eobard became aware of what he was, he set out to be the fastest man alive. Of course, every plan has its complications. Back in the 21st century, a girl named Claire Bishop lives in Starling City with her aunt and grandmother. After graduating college with a degree in bio-engineering, she sets her eyes on Center City, full of promises and opportunities. That is where she meets the Flash, the famous protector of Central City. After an encounter with the Flash, Claire is hired by Doctor Harrison Wells to work at STAR Labs after accidentally finding out the Flash's true identity. As Claire grows closer to the Flash and her co-workers, she also grows closer to Harrison Wells. But not every story has a happy ending. Including this one.