"The earth without art is just 'eh'" Echoe Springs lives in a dystopia where the Administrators (opposers of creativity and art) rule with an iron fist. In an act of defiance, she and her best friend, Lark Thomas, found an underground art movement, known as "The Artists' Palette". Upon discovering their rebellion, the captain of local Administrators presents Echoe and Lark with a choice... Save their families from torture and come with him, or die alongside everybody they love. Ultimately, they decide to accompany him to Administrator headquarters (AKA the Cranium) and on the way, they learn that the captain lied.. And their down has been decimated. Hurt, the pair concludes that something must be done to overthrow the ruthless tyrants, but what? After all, they are only seventeen, and they have other issues to deal with.. Like their feelings for each other.