THE MOST ANTICIPATED AND FIRST ANIMATED POKEMON MUSICAL PREMIERING SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21 ON DANNON TV NETWORK XDDD GET HYPED.... HERE ARE THE TRACK LISTINGS FOR THE MUSICAL'S SOUNDTRACK WHICH IS COMING TO DANNIXSTORES ON NOVEMBER 20 XD MUSIC FROM "POKEMON ASTRONOMA VS HO-OH: A SPACE ODDESY MUSICAL" Track Listings: POKEMON THEME (Featuring Full Cast) - Pokemon IT'S ALWAYS YOU AND ME (Featuring Professor Comet and Hailey Comet) - Pokemon TEAM ROCKET THEME (Featuring Team Rocket) - Pokemon STAR U R (Featuring Serena and Lumina) - Pokemon NO ANSWER (Featuring Astronoma) - Pokemon BE A HERO (Featuring Old Man Jace, and the Ho-oh Heroes Tribal Choir) - Pokemon FIRST TIME (Featuring Ash and Ho-oh) - Pokemon CLEMONT THE COWARD (Featuring Clemont) - Pokemon LETS BE FRIENDS (Featuring Bonnie and Astronoma) - Pokemon ALWAYS AND FOREVER (Featuring Brenton and Lumina) - Pokemon QUIET NIGHT SONG (Featuring Bonnie And Astronoma) FIRST TIME (Reprise) (Featuring Ash, Ho-oh and Team Rocket) - Pokemon WHERE WE'RE HEADING (Featuring Full Cast) - Pokemon FRIENDS AFTER ALL (Featuring Bonnie, Astronoma, Brenton And Lumina) - Pokemon POKEMON MUSICAL FINALE MASHUP (Featuring Full Cast) - Pokemon CRAZY (Featuring Astronoma) - Pokemon DON'T SAY YOU LOVE ME (Featuring Lumina) - Pokemon ALWAYS AND FOREVER (End Credit Version) - James Chatton and Dani MarcusAll Rights Reserved