Starpiercer: Sunlight's Edge
22 części Opowieść Zakończona Dla dorosłychNobody said Rock Hauling would be easy. Throughout settled space, terraforming is the fuel that drives the interstellar economy. For some worlds, this is easy. For others, lacking resources, or on the periphery, this is an unattainable dream. Through the eyes of workers, astronauts and intellectuals, Sunlight's Edge follows an attempt to revitalize the crumbled terraforming project of the barren, poverty-stricken and resource-poor planet of Tylo. To carry this out, the beggared planetary government has commissioned the crew of the aging, if powerful asteroid-cracker Caroline Rowland to make the three-month journey to a distant asteroid belt and tug a selected asteroid back into orbit for conversion into a space station. This is difficult enough by itself, but located in a strategic demilitarized zone between two rival interstellar hegemons, Tylo and it's project may be the flashpoint for a conflict of apocalyptic proportions, with the Caroline Rowland and her crew as the spark that lights the tinder.
This is the debut novella for the world of Starpiercer, a planned series of novels set in the 200-world region of Solace with accompanying illustrations, sketches, maps, technical details and more. Read along to meet alien species, experience real and speculative technologies, and follow a sprawling interconnected narrative over multiple novels and multiple series, with fully realized histories, culture groups, physics, biology, anthropology and thousands of pages of worldbuilding.
This story has been fully written, and more sections will be published daily, hourly, or in other chunks.