Skylar Ann Arbor was just your normal 15 year old female in high school. She was bullied but that didn't keep her from being happy. She kept going on with her school life. Her having a crush, having no friends , having rivals, ect. But there is always a turn for someone's life. Skylars 'turn' was a poor experience for her. She lost too many things at once. She lost her feelings. [I hope you enjoy this. This was inspired by this person that goes by the name of SpirtitusRaptor Please check him/her out [dont know your gender]! Also the name [Skylar] was from this creator---> Bloodysmile1106 "Jeff the killer(love story)<--- This was not my idea, well some of the contents in this book are...BUT YOU KNOW JUST CHECK IT OUT Ouo!]All Rights Reserved