You don't have to be like the others to be beautiful." My mother says stroking my hair. "You're already perfect the way you are." ஐஇஐஇஐஇஐஇஐஇஐஇஐஇஐஇஐஇஐ Even before The Rise, the world's supplies were sparse, not enough fuel, and not enough food. But as the world's population suddenly increases, the goverment enforce a new law to protect the precious supplies. From now on, only beatiful people named Breeders are allowed to have children. It is illegal for anyone without the Breeder mark to conceive a child. Anyone who commits this crime shall be killed. Velvet Amsel, a 16 year old, is an illegal girl, however is considered to be beautiful. She is taken from her family, and given the Breeder lifestyle. But the government start to notice that she's different. Velvet needs to keep her secret hidden. For the sake of everyone she loves.All Rights Reserved
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