15 parts Complete In the aftermath of the grueling war against Gaea, Nico Di Angelo finds himself emotionally shattered. Having weathered two harrowing wars within a span of two years, he grapples with the aftermath of the battles and the scars etched on his soul. Overwhelmed and yearning to escape from the world, Nico contemplates fleeing the chaos that surrounds him. Yet, bound by a promise-a trait he shares with his father, Hades-he resolutely remains in the infirmary, honoring the commitment he made to stay for three days.
During this unexpected respite, Nico discovers an unexpected silver lining. Within the confines of the infirmary, he forges unexpected connections and forms bonds that transcend the battlefield. Amidst the wounded and healing, Nico finds camaraderie, understanding, and even a relationship with an unlikely being-a God.