We walked along the fence. My hands touching each hole and dent. Snagging on the pointy bits. "You're wrong" my words were soft. They always were. My body tight against the fence. Lucas and I's fingertips almost touching. "Just stop Jay" he stood still and stared at me. "You ain't stopping. I ain't gonna walk this far for you to give up and walk back!" I shouted. Lucas stared at the gleaming sun. "My Papa always told me 'bout the golden days. He said that the sun was painted a brilliant yellow like the hay bales. But one day my Papa couldn't get to the golden days. So, he took his life in Sally's pen. Mama couldn't handle 7 children all over the damn house. So my Mama kept all the ones she liked which was most of the older ones and gave the rest away. I was given to these scumbags. I feel more like a slave then a kid" Lucas rubbed the ground with his torn shoes. "You're Mama's a douche. And you're new one too. They would be good friends" I smirked. We sat by the dirt hill and took a grape break. "This fence goes on for miles Jay. We won't be there for 'bout ni' or ten days" Lucas blocked the sun with his hand and looked at the miles of fence. Our backs heated up as the sun beat down on them. "Climb it" I shrugged. "The barb wire will get me" he looked up at the barb wire strategically wrapped our each opening. "They be pretty stupid" I laughed. "Nah pretty smart" Lucas rejected my joke. It was silent for a moment. "Or both" I giggled.