(Takes place way before The Dragonet Propbhecy) A young Nightwing named Bloodscreamer is exiled from his tribe, after preventing the Nightwing queen from killing the next heir of the Skywings. The queen of course considers it as committing an act of betrayal, especially because he did threaten to turn his own claws against her. In fact, he's lucky he didn't receive an execution from the queen. He doesn't regret what he did, but none of the other dragons are all too pleased with what he has done. Some still seek to harm him, which definitely forces him to stay away from their reach. With nowhere to go, he lives alone until he meets a group of dragon outcasts who exist for several reasons- seeking refuge from their own exile, are in an argument between royalty matters, or just has something against their tribe for their own personal things. Of course staying with a group of outcasts, they are unwanted near any tribe. Their reputation is not all too pleasant, and they are frowned upon by many dragons. Although, death isn't too far away from them. Something is hunting them, and they know nothing of what it could possibly be. Yet why would a dragon feel a need to annihilate them? And for all they know, it could be a group of dragons or even an entire tribe. If a tribe is attacking, then there is no way they can win. With death it brings fear and treachery. It's either fight back for the odd dragons, or lay down their talons and await for death to sweep them by. But living in constant fear and being a coward doesn't suit the way Bloodscreamer wants to live life.