After being released from a five-year prison sentence on bail and good behavior, Lucien Aureole is taken in by a new pair of foster parents, only for them to be murdered, and his foster siblings kidnapped days later. Having fought all his life, Lou continues to fight, despite being shoved into a supernatural chase that originates even before his mother was murdered. Questions abound as Lou fights on, determined to find the answers as feuding forces struggle to claim him as their own.
Author's note: This is solely a work of FICTION and any religious or philosophical references or works are made to entertain. Also, with the constriction of the choice of one genre, this title would most appropriately be labeled action-thriller-horror-supernatural fiction. I hope you enjoy. Please note this is far from a completed work (I will add more chapters when I can, this is not the completed novel). Thank you, leave a comment if you have any suggestions or criticisms, and enjoy!
Author's note pt II: *Sorry for all the author's notes!* Due to lapses in the mechanics of copy and paste, there are a few spots in some chapters where there is supposed to a break between paragraphs and an insinuated time lapse. However, these breaks did not carry over in the copy-and-paste translation from my personal files.