Michael Liddle: Rise of the N'uru
  • přečtení 32
  • Hlasy 6
  • Části 6
  • Čas 2h 12m
  • přečtení 32
  • Hlasy 6
  • Části 6
  • Čas 2h 12m
Průběžné, poprvé publikováno lis 18, 2015
Michael Liddle and Alowyn face more than one set-back in their quest to find the Ideema Gift. It appears that no matter what they discover, the real truth seems to be something else entirely. They had located the Bastion, which had led them to another world where the trail of the Gift was picked up once more, but the clues uncovered there point them back to Earth. But where is the Gift? The means to find it fail and Michael believes the search is now hopeless. Despite these difficulties, there are more - for the princess herself eventually disappears and Michael, despite his growing powers, cannot find her. Now he is facing two desperate searches.

Before all of that happens, Michael and the princess encounter several new mysteries. First with the Nomi, the tiny, fairylike creatures who live on the same planets as the princess' own people. There is a new Ideema prophecy which appears to link these small pixie-like creatures and the second Uhala together. And the prophecy adds a third name, possibly even a fourth one, to the Chosen and Cast-Out: The Lost and The Forsaken.

And a new warning is received: "Beware the N'uru," an ancient Yeddura word meaning "Death." Adding to this troubling message, the Elhadra have located Earth though Michael and Mr. Gooden are unaware of that fact and them.

Besides that danger, there are other difficulties just as close to home that Michael can't escape. His mother is suspecting more and more that "something" is going on with him. Scott Watson continues to suspect him of all kinds of false motives.  And the high hopes that Maddy Ellis has for the coming year - she finds them all dashed, including her growing feelings for Michael. Despite his best efforts to keep her at a distance and his own well-intentioned actions, she becomes caught up with him in his "other" life.

Beyond and through all of this, as this third book in the series comes to an end, Mr. Gooden discovers the truth about them all and this promi
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Fake Tales od NotOriginal1997
Části: 39 Dokončeno
"I don't know what kind of girl you think I am Greg" I mumbled. I was not the kind of girl who slept with guys on a whim. I wanted him, but not enough to abandon all reason. He took a step toward me, ignored my narrowed eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I wriggled and tried to pull away, but he only held me tighter. His face was impossibly close to me, expression serene to my fury. I could feel him already, pressing into my stomach. Fear shot through me, but the anticipation was equal. "I know exactly what kind of girl you are Maddy... that's the problem" He said simply. His lips crashed into mine, tasting every inch of me. I wanted more than anything to pull away, leave and never mention this again.... but I couldn't do it. The feel of him naked, warm and muscular against me rendered me speechless. I couldn't explain it, but our bodies seemed to fit together somehow and the anger I'd felt just a minute ago. That firey anger at him invading my privacy was gradually merging with the previous lust from last night. Now all I felt was an all consuming need for him to touch me. ....................................................................... Maddy Reynolds' life is a mess. Her best friend's brother Greg has just died and her two best friends Mel and Dom aren't speaking to each other. She has no one to talk to about her confusing feelings towards Greg or why Mel is so distant. Then at the funeral, she becomes friends with Tom Winter by pure chance and he seems to be the only one who understands her. And yet.... even he is keeping secrets from her. The sort of secrets that have the power to change everything. Maddy now has to decide to trust him or find out the truth on her own. Things would have been a whole lot simpler if she'd chosen the latter.
Who will Arise? od MashBap
Části: 9 Dokončeno
Waking up face down in mud sucks any day of the week. But coming around in the sludge of a strange realm...? Well, that just redefines a bad day altogether. Trapped in an unfamiliar world, sixteen-year-old Quinn is frustrated that none of the strange Tree People appreciate his urgency to get back home to earth. Now he is faced with a choice that could change the course of his life: escape and find his own way home, or stay and help them find the cause of the poison ravishing their world. When the mind-reader unlocks one of the ancient mysteries of the Tree People it points to the only way of saving them from annihilation: they have to find the Power of Light. What exactly that means, the mind-reader doesn't reveal, but his next warning comes as a shock to all present: finding the mysterious Power of Light can only be done with the help of the dangerous enemy tribe whom they once called family. Quinn soon finds himself a little more entangled in the lives of these gifted beings than he'd care to be. Especially after meeting Jazz: the feisty girl from his world who seems to be a regular visitor to the world of Zoay. To Quinn's constant frustration, the aqua-eyed pixie makes it clear that she's not there to make friends. On their journey they'll brave bizarre encounters in dangerous alien forests, while sacrificing pride and will for the survival of all. Along the way Quinn finds more than he ever thought to seek: purpose, fulfillment and love. When the Power of Light is finally found a devastating discovery is made: if all of Zoay-including their enemy-want to live and prosper, one must be willing to sacrifice their life.
Hammond: Book One od aracarey03
Části: 36 Dokončeno
When the cast and crew arrive in Hammond to film a documentary about life in the medieval stronghold, Ain is seeking something very different than are the hundreds of others who arrive beside him. Desperately he is searching for a solace from the hurt his life has dealt him, and he looks toward the months ahead in his role as Hammond's First Knight as a respite - a turning point - from his long despair. But when the power flickers and goes out, everything is turned upside down. All modern machinery suddenly becomes useless, and every form of communication with the outside world is severed. Hammond is cut off and left to wonder what has caused these things to happen. All seem to look to Ain for answers, and a series of visions and signs suggests he has been set apart to serve a noble purpose in this strangely altered world. This purpose, however, he wishes to deny, for he deems himself unworthy to pursue it. Yet there is one who sees him and his purpose truly, even in the spite of his denial. Mallory guesses his secrets and, against his every resistance, has soundly claimed his heart. Even so, Ain is convinced he must not let her have it, for he believes that giving her his love will bring about her doom. Then a chance meeting with a stranger in the fields turns deadly, and everyone is panicked, fearing all the world has been upended; then in the midst of all their fears, Mallory suddenly falls ill. Even while Mallory's fate is yet uncertain, Ain is pressed to journey out beyond their borders in hopes of finding help and comfort and good news to soothe the hearts at Hammond. A small company he takes with him, but the more they see and learn, the more their hopes subside. Misery and need, neglect and great misfortune meet them everywhere they go, and Hammond's travelers feel helpless as they face it. And when they begin to be pursued, Ain's last remaining hope is just to get them back to Hammond's gates alive...
Cassiopea's School for the Gifted od artsykid04
Části: 12 Dokončeno
In a world where magical creatures and humans intermix, there are two types of magic and two types of people. Dark magic and light magic. Good people and evil people. Our main character is going to learn that your powers do not define who you are as a person. Arion Griffin lives in a society where people with light magic are 'good' and people with dark magic are 'bad'. He comes from a long line of dark magic. Unfortunately, this causes many problems for his social life since his family's reputation precedes him and makes it so no one will talk with him. He is worried it will make his greatest fear come true. He is terrified he is on the path to becoming evil like his parents. Then, one day at school he gets an invitation from Cassiopeia's School for the Gifted. Sure he's heard of it, but only in rumors. The school is just for magical creatures to learn more about themselves and their history. It was made over three hundred years ago and still run by a fairy named Cassiopea and her daughter Cassia. Arion is excited to go because his parents refuse to teach him anything about other magical creatures other than dark magic. They believe it is irrelevant for him to know because they think he will take over the world one day. And why should a leader know anything about his subjects? Arion convinces his parents that if he goes to the school he can do recon on the other magical people so he can learn about them and make it easier for him to take over. With no friends, no siblings, and a very negative outlook on life, he heads to Cassiopeia's School for the Gifted. He makes friends and learns that just because he has dark magic, doesn't mean he is evil. *Idk if this is actually a good story but I had a lot of fun writing it! :) *This story has been edited
Veritas Of Venom (Wrath Of Gods Precursor 4) od PhorcysApollo
Části: 10 Dokončeno Pro dospělé
No one can truly explain what it's like, not anymore, not when everything has changed, been turned upside down, inside out. Nothing is ever the same anymore, no one, is ever the same anymore. Once, you might have been a young girl, dreaming of the day to marry some handsome prince in some far away country. Then, the next day, you become some doctor in some backwater town and become no one. Or, you live in the literal gutter, grow up, and live to be some assassin. For Asia though, it was almost, almost, normal. One day, she was normal, the next day, she wasn't. One day, all five, well, six of them, were normal, then the next, they weren't. Troy had lead them into some kind of heroics that ended up turning against them, and, soon enough, they went downhill. Unable to maintain the cohesion to their duty, they'd given up on it and merely survived, by any, means, necessary. And, as time wore on, so did their powers in growth, until their beings were unstoppable as a whole. Yet, when Pandora assumes her natural born roll, when Troy and Maria become engrossed in each other, when Alex, Asia's ex, and Michael begin their brotherly romance and soon forget about her, what's left for her? Even as Asia trains, something, someone, rises in Washington D.C. and Asia is given a prophecy that changes her in ways she could never imagine. Will she be able to solve the prophecy in time? Will she be able to be the heroine, the only heroine, when the prophecy is so twisted and she'd so bullheadedly straight forward? Will she be able to pull herself together and fight, before everything is destroyed around her? All of these questions and more shall be answered in this next precursor to the Wrath Of Gods series.
Beacon Paradox od Growling_moon
Části: 45 Dokončeno
"But before the six friends could ponder on it or even think what to do with the photo, everything started to move. They felt they are being pulled by an imaginary force and the strength of this pull is too much that cannot even hold onto anything. They are lifted off their feet and pulled back to somewhere they do not know. But they are trying to hold onto each other's hand." Six friends reuniting after 10 years from their high school graduation. They have not seen each other face to face and now are reuniting as they go back to their hometown after getting a bizarre form of 'Beacon' or 'Call'. As soon as they step into their hometown, they face things. From learning about the death of a family member, to strange news about family, about their childhood homes, to learning things about their past that they never knew and even finding someone to love. Strange occurrences followed them, but the six friends did not want to back down from figuring out what is true and what is not. After all their past is what shaped them to be how they are now. As the six friends continue their journey to finding truth, they are faced with some challenges. Some normal ones and some very bizarre ones. How can one day's event cause so much uproar? How can one day when the six friends remember having a detention change to them being missing as everyone in town tells them? Read to find out how the six friends-Ivory, Lauren, Zoey, Ethan, Reed and Cassandra- navigate through the strange things they find to the path of finding the truth. Who said reuniting with old friends is always nice and comforting? These six friends would differ as they reacquaint themselves with their hometown, Shadowland. All names of characters and places mentioned in the story are fictional. Any matches with people or places in real life are purely coincidental. Note: If you are reading this story on any platform other than Watt-pad you are very likely to be at risk of a malware attack.
The Good Ones od DeeDeeMansfield
Části: 32 Dokončeno Pro dospělé
Young veterinarian, Mavis Rogers, has two goals for her new career- don't kill anything and don't reveal to her mentor that she can talk to animals. Because the universe has a twisted sense of humor, she accidentally kills her first patient and discovers that her hard-ass, temperamental mentor, Alex Dodd, can also talk to animals. He introduces Mavis to Aurora, a secret organization of elves who report to Nicholas at the North Pole (yes, that Nicholas). They're humans with the genetic ability to use magic and are duty-bound to protect unsuspecting non-elven humans from rogues. Forced into serving Aurora, Mavis is thrown into a war against an army of rogues led by ex-Aurora elf, Beau Tanner. Mavis learns that she alone possesses the magic powerful enough to stop Beau, but lacks the confidence to use it. If only her mentor wasn't such an asshole. Lucinda Morales is a Type A Adderall addict who takes offense at being given orders. Her parents ordered her to use her degree in chemistry to become a medical doctor, so she became a wildlife biologist instead. When she discovers that her new job with playboy nature documentary host, Kevin King, is a ruse to lock her into Aurora's servitude, she carves a path that none of her teammates anticipate. What Lucinda lacks in power, she makes up for with her intelligence and tenacity, and there are no limits to how far she will go to obtain that power. If only her mentor paid attention. Animals call Aurora elves the Good Ones, but how can battle lines be drawn when "good" is open for interpretation?
The Pool Party od apifei
Části: 10 Dokončeno
When Emma Harte, a pretty, late blooming, slightly nerdy teen girl who has never shared her first kiss, decides to help her not-brother James, the ultimate womanizer, and the most popular boy in school, with his huge 'party of the year' scheme, she finds herself trying to keep their relationship in tact. James' dad got married to Emma's mon when they were really young, and they all have lived under the same roof since. But, a couple years after James' dad passed away, James was sent off to another school, St. Bernard High for throwing his principles chair into the school pool. Now he's being forced to go back to Emma's school, Santiago High. He asks her and her friends to sell their merchandise from their school business, which is off the charts cool. James promises her more business in exchange for selling a bunch at his party to all of his friends, including people from his old school. The Dream Team, which is made up of Caleb, Emma's best friend and James' younger brother, and Sophia, both Caleb's and Emma's best friend from the 3rd grade. They all initially agree to help James, and also want to make some good money from the party. But, there's one girl who wants to see it all burn up in flames. Sammi, a mean, catty, popular girl who has the hots for James, tries everything in her power to ruin Emma. After a bunch of run ins with the both of them, Sammi makes up a rumor about James, insinuating it was Emma who started it. James watches Emma embarrass herself on multiple different occasions, And still wont explain why he is upset with her. But, after Sammi gets a football player to put a cockroach in Emma's hair in class, Emma runs out to leave. She then runs into James, who Offers to give her a ride home. He then tells her he fiund out it was Sammi who started the rumor. And to make it up to her, he brings her to see her favorite series, 'Raven-Man' at the Drive-in theatre.
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Slide 1 of 10
Fake Tales cover
Who will Arise? cover
Hammond: Book One cover
ORIGIN (#3, Gods Among Us) cover
Cassiopea's School for the Gifted cover
Veritas Of Venom (Wrath Of Gods Precursor 4) cover
Beacon Paradox cover
Her Unexpected Life cover
The Good Ones cover
The Pool Party cover

Fake Tales

Části: 39 Dokončeno

"I don't know what kind of girl you think I am Greg" I mumbled. I was not the kind of girl who slept with guys on a whim. I wanted him, but not enough to abandon all reason. He took a step toward me, ignored my narrowed eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I wriggled and tried to pull away, but he only held me tighter. His face was impossibly close to me, expression serene to my fury. I could feel him already, pressing into my stomach. Fear shot through me, but the anticipation was equal. "I know exactly what kind of girl you are Maddy... that's the problem" He said simply. His lips crashed into mine, tasting every inch of me. I wanted more than anything to pull away, leave and never mention this again.... but I couldn't do it. The feel of him naked, warm and muscular against me rendered me speechless. I couldn't explain it, but our bodies seemed to fit together somehow and the anger I'd felt just a minute ago. That firey anger at him invading my privacy was gradually merging with the previous lust from last night. Now all I felt was an all consuming need for him to touch me. ....................................................................... Maddy Reynolds' life is a mess. Her best friend's brother Greg has just died and her two best friends Mel and Dom aren't speaking to each other. She has no one to talk to about her confusing feelings towards Greg or why Mel is so distant. Then at the funeral, she becomes friends with Tom Winter by pure chance and he seems to be the only one who understands her. And yet.... even he is keeping secrets from her. The sort of secrets that have the power to change everything. Maddy now has to decide to trust him or find out the truth on her own. Things would have been a whole lot simpler if she'd chosen the latter.