The Son With Two Mom's: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Reality
I was recently asked, “What is the biggest obstacle you have ever had to overcome?” I answered the question by stating that losing my mother was the most difficult thing I have ever had to endure. I love her, and losing her had always been my worst nightmare. She is the person who is most like me; it’s as if we were modeled after one another. I was very close to her and she was very close to me – she told me so in her days of living, and left her journal behind as a reminder. It was a journal she never mentioned keeping, and one that I didn’t stumble upon for over 13 years after this first paragraph was written. It reads:
“I’m 33 years old. I have a good marriage, a beautiful 7 and a half year old son, a rewarding career and many friends; I’m financially comfortable but not wealthy. My needs aren’t extravagant. I’ve always enjoyed good health, even excellent health. I also have cancer.”
The entry is dated May 7, 1997. A few days later, my mom asked me if I had ever heard of something called “cancer.” And from that point, I faced the toughest trial life has ever given me.