Growing up can be a pain. It's a time for awkward milestones, oily skin, raging hormones, and making unforgettable mistakes. But it's also the best thing a person can experience, especially with the best friends in the world. And it's important to remember those times, whether they make you laugh or groan, in pictures or otherwise.
Share in the experiences of the boys of One Direction as they grow up together, and join us When Scrapbooking Gets Literal.
***All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2013 ©. Any Fabrication or Duplication of this material in means of web or paper is called plagiarism and it may lead to imprisonment. The rightful owner of this typewritten material is the Wattpad user ThespianKid (under the alias "Charlie D."). Names (besides those of One Direction) and situations are purely coincidental, as are any references to persons living or dead (besides One Direction).***
-There will be many references to actual things the boys have gone through, but a lot of it will be a product of my imagination.
-The boys didn't grow up together, so keep in mind that it's different in that sense.
-The boys will be only children, since I can't write about all of them AND their siblings. And any other family members will be created by me.
-Unfortunately, this story takes place in America. I don't feel confident in my abilities to write the life of a kid in Europe correctly, and this seems better than insulting the British and Irish.Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang