So this is an ACTION-ROMANCE fanfiction i made with lots of KPOP STARS. Its kinda like imagines? LOL okay here's the characters.
YOU will be Oh Ji Eun. I chosen some picture of Kpop Stars to match.
Sunhwa (Secret) as Ji Eun [YOU]
Daehyun (B.A.P) as Daehyun
Himchan (B.A.P) as Himchan
L (Infinite) as Ji Sung
L.Joe (TEENTOP) as L.Joe << Since i haven't got anyother name -,-
Jiyeon (T-Ara) as Sera, Serin
Nicole (KARA) as Foxobot
Yep, there only that much, well... there's more.. but i will update on the next chapter, soooo lets move on chapter 1!!