The story attached in an excerpt from chapter thirteen of my first novel: The Definition of Normal. I have chosen to share this excerpt because many have told me it is enlightening and empowering, but when the professional book reviewer (JayJay Conrad - asked me for permission to share this with loved ones and then offered the thought that this needs to be shared with many ...I decided to do so. It is below, free of charge. It is also on the book blog which can be found at the bottom left of the book website home page: This is where the book started. This was one of the first things I wrote, though its original form is but a memory of the finished excerpt. This was the most re-written scene in the book. This scene is a love letter in the middle of a love story. A love letter to people I will never meet. May it offer you what others have told me it offered them. A deeper understanding of the levels of love that encompass our universe. Keep it and read it as needed. I wrote it and there have been many times since, that I needed to re-read it.All Rights Reserved