2 parts Ongoing In the near-future, humanity will stumble upon the cold, dead ruins of an ancient race, and find unfathomable relics of power within the wreckage. Using these objects, humans will expand across the cosmos, never wondering the price they might pay for what they use, and never heeding the warning of the graves they plundered to get there.
In the present day, Jeffery Wilson still mourns his father; a man missing and presumed dead by suicide many years before. When Jeffery is pulled forward in time at the behest of the mysterious pirate, smuggler, and rogue by the name of Tarnel - he wonders if this strange figure may be the father he lost.
However, it transpires that Tarnel is a wanted man in his own time, and Jeffery is forced to make an uneasy alliance with Savannah - a woman with her own ties to Tarnel, and he own reasons for finding him - as he tries to outwit the omnipresent, malevolent 'corporation' every step of the way.