Chris stop you need to change you need to stop being your old fuck boy self I'm not a toy. Ana slaps Chris across his face. Chris pushes Ana against the wall slapping her, what did you just tell me. You cant tell me what to do if I want you to be my toy your gonna be my toy alright your lucky I love you because if I didn't all this would've been done calm the fuck down I am to stressed out I have been cutting behind your back and your putting to much weight in my shoulders. Chris slaps Ana,and says ,I do love you, and leaves her standing there. Her heart is racing faster than ever and she feels bad. what have I done I love him and I'm doing all this to him I understand he is trying to stop being a fuck boy but its hard for him and I'm not comprehending that and I'm taking it all out on him. I just get jealous that all his ex's are prettier than me and I am nothing compared to them. Ana sits down and puts her head down and starts crying.Všechna práva vyhrazena