This is a three-part mystery/thriller of SHERLOCK based off of the BBC television show Sherlock. They are three different adventures taken by Sherlock Holmes, a snotty detective, and John Watson, a concerned doctor that was thrown into the life of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock and John will have to fight someone that has fallen into the government that is hell-bent on destroying even the thought of Sherlock Holmes. Although the mystery person gets close to their goal, Mr. Sherlock Holmes is able to pull himself and the ones he loves from the fray and finish the deed. When a bank is attacked and a mysterious amount of money is stolen, Sherlock cannot be kept away from the chaos, against John and Lestrade's wishes. Getting into the case seemed like a good idea at first to Sherlock and he planned to be in and out of something as easy as this, but nothing is as it seems; someone will be hurt, and the others will have to pay the consequences of their actions. Jail is no friend to anyone; when one of the gang is sent to prison for a deed done during the case of the bank, the others are shellshocked. But, of course, they do not stop at any means to try and get their friend out before it is too late. Danger lurks within the prison and outside of the prison; no matter where they run, they will never escape the awaiting doom lurking in the shadows around them.All Rights Reserved