On Avalon Mendez's first day of school she sprayed the teacher with a water gun she snuck into school. In Sixth grade she cut a girl's ponytail off for telling her friends who her crush was. She is what teachers call a problem student, and what students call a crazy ass bitch. Last year she got expelled for 'accidentally' pouring a bucket of blue paint all over the teachers lounge, and spray painting a d*ck on the main entrance. Now she's at McKinley High, and she sees this as a way to start over. Be popular, Be Liked. Unfortunately, that doesn't work out too well because as soon as she steps one foot into the school a jock splashes her face with a grape slushie. When running to the bathroom to clean her self off she bumps Jake Puckerman the school's bad boy.. In tights and a cape. **This Story starts at the Dynamic Duets episode and there will be major changes to the storyline**Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang