I'm horrid at these but oh well...here goes... We find Rose and Scorpius in their 5th year at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry school, along with their two other best friend Albus and Alice. Rose and Scorpius have a very special love and hate relationship, one moment they are close and friendly the next they are screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. Being in different houses and both so competitive in quidditch and school work doesn't help their huge arguments. Though as they enter their 5th year, will things change between them? Or will things change all together, since the wizarding world is becoming dark once again... My first book and I am not an amazing author like JK Rowling so nearly all of the things in this book obviously belong to her. I am also not an amazing speller (is that a word?!) so bare with me!! - Rose x