24 parts Complete In a magical world where destiny and danger intertwine, Kim Taehyung is known as the Dark Prince, a figure prophesied to bring about the wizarding world's demise if not guided onto the right path. Set in the enchanting halls of Hogwarts, Taehyung's life takes a dramatic turn as he secretly enters the Triwizard Tournament, determined to prove himself and control his dark fate. Despite his lover Y/N's fervent pleas to avoid the deadly competition, Taehyung plunges into the challenges, his true identity hidden with the help of his loyal friends and beloved Y/N. As the tournament progresses, the stakes grow higher, testing their bonds, courage, and the very future of the wizarding world. Together, they must navigate the perils of the tournament and the looming threat of the prophecy, striving to alter a destiny shrouded in darkness.