Sarah runs away from home and not by chose at the age of 5. She falls out on there porch at 5 years old and they keep her ever since . She grows up with the couple and there 3 sons. They treat her like their own child. Everything going well with her and her new family. She is enjoying life not knowing if her old family is still alive. Soon she is 16 and having the time of her life with her best friend and brother. But one day some new people come to town 2 boys and a girl.They come claiming her as a beloved and her best friend and brother as mates. As if her life didn't just get complicated they people that were after are once more one her trail agian. Join her as she now discovers that there is more on earth than humans and realm are now real. Will she discover who she really is and why the want her? Will she reject her belove and hid from the world with her best freind and brother or Will she accept love and find her place in life for once with her belove and her brother and best freind also let's not forget their mates. Decisions. . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . Decisions.