Eyeless Jack has not always lived alone, but preferred it most of the time. Unless his friend called, needing a place to stay for a few days or just to chat. He would in a heartbeat let his friend come over, any day of the week or month.
Hoodie is a sociable guy, easy to talk to and get along with. But he withheld a secret from even his coworkers, even his boss if it was possible. He seriously liked the cannibal Eyeless Jack. He wouldn't admit this out loud though. Not in fear of being made fun of or worse, but because he simply did not know if Jack felt the same. Because Hoodie fears that if Jack was to learn this, the cannibal would not want to talk to him anymore.
But the proxy did not know the organ eaters past very well, and to put it nicely Jack did not know himself as well as one would figure.
~cover picture and other pictures to appear are not mine, all rights belong to the artists~
~also, trigger warning I guess, and this is how I see ((haha see)) Eyeless Jack. Take what you will of that~
Made in 2017
After Jeremy left Michael in the bathroom alone, Michael becomes very anxious about messing up again.. but when the Squip is gone, how will this affect their friendship?