This is mainly a five part idiosyncratic reflection on the life of Jesus of Nazareth; someone whom many people with little time for religion still find attractive. It is mostly from a talk I gave in 1988 while visiting a church in Pennsylvania. Please make allowance for this context in what I have written. I am not trying to proselytise. I believe that, whatever path we follow, the important thing is to come to a point where we live, not to gain God's approval, but to respond to his** love. For me, that love is embodied in Jesus. * Ecce Homo (John 19:5) - the Latin words with which Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor, presented the scourged Jesus to his accusers before sending him to be crucified. ** When I speak of God as 'he' I am not assigning a gender; but I am not willing to tie language up in knots in order to be politically correct. Feminists beware! (but really I approve of what you stand for.)