It was just a normal night. Donnie was riding his skateboard around the abandoned alleyways, where no one could see him. He passed a dumpster, and heard something crying. 'Oh no. I've been spotted.' he thought and was about to pick up his skateboard and run for his life. But curiosity struck Donnie. He decided to investigate, even though it could mean his life. The cry sounded like it was coming from a nearby dumpster. He approached it slowly. He opened it, and there looking back at him was a human baby. It just looked at him. 'Not my problem.' he thought and as he was about to close the dumpster lid, the child began to cry again. Compassion struck Donnetello in a way it had never before. The way the child had looked into his eyes. Donnie made the biggest decision of his life. Hamato Donnetello would care for this little human child. But what will the rest of his family say?