*instagram fan account 2014* caption : YOU GUYS I THINK NIALL HAS A GIRLFRIEND ITS ALL OVER TWITTER AND I DONT THINK ITS A RUMOR HE LIKED IT SHES A MODEL NAMED ADRIANNA OKAY BYE - I'm Adrianna , and I'm a model . Don't go jumping to conclusions I'm not stuck up or care about my feelings over everybody else's. My life hasn't always been as easy as it is right now. I've been through so many obstacles, but you know what those obstacles made me the strong woman I am today. I'm childish at times , sometimes too childish . I grew up feeling like I was young (I started kindergarden early). I'm not as much as a good girl as you think , that is until after I met Niall. That's a little bit about me , and this is my life. - Will the boys be able to keep their hands off her ? // daddy kink