A long time ago, in a galaxy far,
far away....
The Outer Rim; where pirates, scoundrels, and villainy thrive. Far from the enforcement and control of the Republic, it is a place of scum and grit. Among the masses of crime and lawbreaking, A young bounty hunter by the name of Reylan Mollek thirsts for fame and power, and will go to extreme lengths to win this prize - sometimes even risking his life.
But when an ancient enemy returns, all will change for the galaxy. Reylan's part in this battle against evil begins when he is tasked to kill one of the legendary Jedi, and his life will change forever. Together with his new allies Vulross Vorn, Brera Tayl'lia, R0-R2, and his new Jedi master Haken Rogocki, he must fight to protect the galaxy, and the Force....
Set thousands of years after Return of the Jedi... the Galactic Union and the Jedi order had seen a long period of peace with only minor strife to marre that calm.
Now the order and the galaxy face an unspeakable evil on two fronts, a terrorist organization wants to uncover the secrets of the past that had been purposely erased from galactic records, and use a technology that allowed an ancient race to conquer the galaxy unopposed.
The second threat came from the Sith, and their new leader, Jerr Khan; with a vision for the future and two discoveries he would embark on a campaign that could bring the Jedi and the galaxy to it's knees.
Now only two promising young knights of the order can stop both groups, Sylus Onora and Rysa Tarlee, they are the only Jedi destined to bring order back to the galaxy...or watch it be destroyed by an ancient evil.
Can their love triumph against betrayal, the corruption within the order itself, and a galaxy about to be dismantled by it's greatest threat ever....the truth.