This is your story. It is written in second person AND you get to make your own choices in this book. Did I mention there's gifs within the chapter? Yeah- that's pretty cool. So join- yourself... that sounds sad.... Join yourself on your adventure! How the hell do you write a summary for a second person book? ========================================================= AngelWings126: " It's honestly one of the best maybe the best fanfiction I've ever read. It has such a good storyline and it's so exciting to read. You just can't wait for the new chapters and to see how it ends. " Bubbuz: " 'Louder' is the first book I have read, that gives you a choice. The storyline itself amazing, with just the right amount of drama, and the right amount of humor and romance. Dan's personality is captured amazingly. I just have to say, this is one of my favorite fanfiction story. " • #1 dan howell fic for 3 ish years beat that losersAll Rights Reserved