"Charlie is no longer our Protagonist. Augustus is no longer the Ignorant, Greedy Child. Wonka is no longer our Friend...." When the story you've all come to know for years is revealed as a huge plot to cover the tracks of an inhumane tyrant on the search fo fresh meat, how do you cope? What do you do when a day in any child's dream becomes a twisted demon's nightmare? Augustus Gloop tells the true story behind Wonka's success, behind the factory, behind the Oompa Loompas, behind the candy and behind that irresistable Wonka taste. Can you stomach the bitter taste of the truth? Or would you rather indulge yourself in sweet, sweet lies? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (c) Belongs to Roald Dahl, any references to the original story are in no way meant as copyright infringement. PG 13 for horrific gore, bad language and adult themes.All Rights Reserved