"We covet to be perfect, like atoms. They want the noble gas configuration by thieving or doing away with an electron, which we can't. We are simple human beings with cruel heart-burning thoughts -," he flickered his hand to his face to wipe away the cookie crumbs, "- Although, we don't require the change, since we are perfect the way we are. And you're too, but you've got to consider it truthful on your own, so even if I want to be I can't be your helping hand; only you can be. Now, you've got to see what your heart desires." He watched me carefully to see any change of expression on my face, but I stayed neutral. However, my insides were churning by his truthful words as my thoughts were spinning and spinning into a whirlwind of messed up words. "Be the helping hand or the soul-killer," he said before gobbling more cookies.